
Kia ora koutou katoa, ia koe, ia koe, ia koe nga manuwhiri katoa, nga whanaunga katoa, nga whanau katoa o te motu kua tae mai, na reira nau mai, whakatau mai, haere mai koutou katoa ki tenei waahi rorohiko o ngai matou o Patukirikiri whanui o Tamaki, o Hauarki rohe hoki, na reira tena ra koutou katoa.

Welcome to this web site dedicated to the descendant whanau and hapu of the Patukirikiri people of the Hauraki and Auckland Regions… welcome to you all to this site.

The sites principal objective is to provide as much information as it can to Patukirikiri descendants while providing a platform for quicker communication and where it may be necessary, interaction between those descendants.  Information relative to traditional Patukirikiri history, culture and heritage can be accessed on this site including information about  the tribes legal entity, its legal structure and its current operations in progress.

For those that are interested you will read and discover all about the Patukirikiri tribe and its people,  its legal vehicle and how it generally operates, including some of the background and current activities that our Iwi has been involved with since it’s inception in 1997 under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908.

Na reira me mihi nui ki a koutou manuwhiri, nga whanaunga, nga whanau… tena ra koutou katoa…