Marutuahu Ratification

Online Voting – Click Here

Ratification of Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed and Post Settlement Governance Entities

The mandated Treaty negotiators for the Marutūāhu Iwi have negotiated a collective redress deed with the Crown, and voting is now open on the deed and associated post-settlement governance entities.

The voting period is Saturday, 22 September 2018 to noon, Friday 2 November 2018.

The two resolutions to be voted on by the Marutūāhu Iwi are:

  1. I support the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed.
  2. I agree that the Taonga o Marutūāhu Trust, Marutūāhu Rōpū Limited Partnership and Marutūāhu Rōpū Tuarua Limited Partnership will be the post settlement governance entities for the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Treaty redress.

You can vote through all of the following iwi with which you are registered:

Iwi Website Contact
Ngāti Maru Paul Majurey – 0274 955 741
Ngāti Tamaterā John McEnteer – 021 985 127
Liane Ngamane – 021 133 2760
Ngaati Whanaunga Tipa Compain – 021 175 9090
Boni Renata – 027 523 3504
Te Patukirikiri William Peters – 027 625 4980

Ratification by Ngāti Paoa will take place through a separate process.

Registered adult iwi members will receive document packs which include a:

  • Ratification information booklet; and
  • Voting pack (voting information, voting form and free-post envelope).

The ratification information booklet, Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed and post-settlement governance entity documents are available below as well as in relation to the Collective Redress Deed.

As detailed in the voting form, all eligible iwi voters can e-vote by internet, vote by free-post envelope, or by ballot box at any of the following ratification information hui:




Sunday, 14 October 2018 2 pm Thames Civic Centre
Monday, 15 October 2018 6 pm Distinction Hotel, Hamilton
Tuesday, 16 October 2018 6 pm Holiday Inn, Auckland Airport
Wednesday, 17 October 2018 6 pm Brentwood Hotel, Wellington

A special voting pack can be obtained, if you are not a registered member, by contacting the Returning Officer (toll-free 0800 666 038/, or at the ratification information hui. Special votes, which are otherwise valid, will be counted subject to confirmation of registration.

Please ensure your registration details are current, and encourage your whanaunga to register and vote.

Marutuahu Iwi Collective Redress Deed & PSGEs – Ratification Public Notice (September 2018)

Marutuahu Iwi Colllective Redress Deed & PSGEs – Ratification Information Booklet (Sep 2018)





